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Imagen: Jolufer

Registrado: 06-04-2007
Mensajes: 2706
Ubicación: Valencia-España

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Imagen: Jesusferrer

Registrado: 24-05-2008
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Registrado: 19-06-2007
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Ubicación: Valencia

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Enlaces Asunto: Re: Toooooooooooooma
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CAMPEONEES!!! Si señor, que se lo han ganado!
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Imagen: Speeke

Registrado: 16-05-2008
Mensajes: 78

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Enlaces Asunto: Re: Toooooooooooooma
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Si es que esto es la polla...

Al loro con la portada. Y no os perdáis los comentarios:

Great drama to end the tournament…..The better of the two teams won…..Kudos to the Spanish team…..Very nice football, and happy to see the smaller players take on the big, physical Germans and beat them soundly……Puyol, Casillas, the entire midfield, and Torres all contributed to this victory over the length of the tournament…..Germany ran out of steam, and almost seem to implode in the last 15 minutes…..

— Posted by maggymay

Spain was best. But German was not bad too. Look at Russia, who were great also, you just can’t play well against Spain, their just too good. So Germans should not be blamed for a poor performance, Spaniards should be praised for it. There is just no force against them. They “made†German players like training dummies. Oh… awesom, just awesom. Truly deserved title, Germans should be proud that it was only 1:0.
Great tournament, thanks for the great performance too all teams and to SPAIN who made football an art!!!

— Posted by Adam
It amazing to see a talented and devoted side like Spain lift the Euro trophy. I think they’re on the verge to take on the world.
But with Aragones likely leaving for Fernabache, will the next Spanish coach have the ability to lead Spain to more glory?

— Posted by Muctaru Wurie
Well done to Spain, clearly the best team during the tournament and as an Italian, thank you for helping us get rid of Donadoni.

Enjoy your celebration as the whole world is celebrating with you. Bravi e Forza Furia Rossa (just for today, tomorrow, Forza Azzurri, again)

— Posted by Stefano
Already looking ahead to WC10 you have to consider this Spanish squad as one of the favorites along Brazil, and Argentina. Too much talent, very young, deep, and now, tested.

— Posted by David
While I expected Spain to win, I never thought they would dominate Germany as they did today. The difference in class, technique, and collective play was huge. Congratulations to Spain for their continued winning streak that makes them one of the truly best winners of this European championship. Unlike some teams who win tournaments without playing the best soccer, Spain played beautifully and won. The best outcome we could hope for. Look forward to seeing them in the World Cup 2010.

— Posted by Raymond
Wow! The underdog takes the crown! I’m glad that they had a title to be proud of…finally. They’ve finally broke their curse! I’m so surprised and happy! Wow!

— Posted by Sienna, FL
K, title granted… they were by far the better team and they deserved to win. Next time it will be our time but I think no one will be too upset; we did not play too bad and they showed that they just had more power, it was one of these moments were everything just fits: condition and ability of the team, coherence and motivation- congratulation SPAIN!

— Posted by Florian
As an Italian I must say that Spain really deserved to win the championship. They played the best football, they were superior to all teams, including the shadow of a football team which were Germany.

Thank you Spain for this wonderful show.

— Posted by Roberto
As a Dominican living in Europe for almost 14 years I never thought I’d love soccer as much as I love baseball. During this Euro Cup I discovered poetry, passion and style in a sport where I often used to get frustrated at the behaviour of the fans and the players. The Spanish team is an outstanding example that a team-based sport can display full flair and skills for all of us to enjoy… I will surely be following from now on.

Many congratulations and many, many thanks to Spain for the joy it has brought to sport and to Europe.

— Posted by Manuela
Germany was bad from the beginning. Players couldn’t get the ball controlled, they missed a lot of passes, there was a lot of misunderstanding and Ballack was most certainly not team leader quality. Lehmann in the goal was a times simply tragic and luck finally ran out against a superior team that simply didn’t give the Germans any chance.

Well done Spain.

— Posted by misch


Pues nada, habrá que ganar el mundial...

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