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Registrado: 18-11-2009
Mensajes: 81

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Enlaces Asunto: Re: Concurso de Geolocalización con Google Earth
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hola a todos, cerca de donde a Fernando Alonso se lo hicieron pasar mal, y con esto lo teneis casi resuelto
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Imagen: Batiste

Registrado: 24-08-2009
Mensajes: 2443
Ubicación: Catarroja-Valencia

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Enlaces Asunto: Re: Concurso de Geolocalización con Google Earth
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Una laguna ???

Fleet Pond is a nature reserve in Fleet, Hampshire, UK. It covers an area of approx. 141 acres (0.6 km²) much of which is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The pond itself is approximately 53 acres (0.2km²) and is the largest freshwater lake in Hampshire. Originally there was a second pond, the exact location of which is now unknown. The remaining pond has been reduced in size by silting and development including the London and South Western Railway, and also by draining undertaken during the Second World War, when it was felt it provided too good a landmark for the nearby National Gas Turbine Establishment. The pond and surrounding area remain under threat, due to the ongoing development of Fleet.

Fleet Pond used to be called Flete Pond and was very popular with Londoners who commuted by way of the railway. Fleet pond can be credited with the existence of Fleet, the town.

Fleet Pond Wildlife.

Here is a list of what can be seen around the Fleet Pond and surrounding area.

laguna fleet pond.jpg   ( Ver en el Foro)
 Tamaño:  101.42 KB
 Visto:  117 veces
Concurso de Geolocalizacion - Archivo 0
Concurso de Geolocalizacion - Archivo 0

fleet pond.kmz   ( Ver en el Foro)
 Nombre:  fleet pond.kmz
 Tamaño:  678 Bytes
 Descargado:  138 veces
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Imagen: Guadiato16

Registrado: 19-07-2007
Mensajes: 2406
Ubicación: Bormujos
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Enlaces Asunto: Re: Concurso de Geolocalización con Google Earth
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Batiste Escribió:
Una laguna ???

Fleet Pond is a nature reserve in Fleet, Hampshire, UK. It covers an area of approx. 141 acres (0.6 km²) much of which is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The pond itself is approximately 53 acres (0.2km²) and is the largest freshwater lake in Hampshire. Originally there was a second pond, the exact location of which is now unknown. The remaining pond has been reduced in size by silting and development including the London and South Western Railway, and also by draining undertaken during the Second World War, when it was felt it provided too good a landmark for the nearby National Gas Turbine Establishment. The pond and surrounding area remain under threat, due to the ongoing development of Fleet.
Fleet Pond used to be called Flete Pond and was very popular with Londoners who commuted by way of the railway. Fleet pond can be credited with the existence of Fleet, the town.

Fleet Pond Wildlife.

Here is a list of what can be seen around the Fleet Pond and surrounding area.
Muy bien Batiste. Ahora traspasalo a entendible.
O no te lo damos por valido. Doblemente malvado
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Imagen: Batiste

Registrado: 24-08-2009
Mensajes: 2443
Ubicación: Catarroja-Valencia

Votos: 0 👍
Enlaces Asunto: Re: Concurso de Geolocalización con Google Earth
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Volvamos a la ciudad de Tokio.

Os propongo un divertido recorrido pos sus parques temáticos.

Este esta situado a unos 30 km, de la estatua de la libertad.

Top Secret Podéis saber donde esta, ya que India subió el KMZ, una vez, hacer una búsqueda en el foro.

gatita.jpg   ( Ver en el Foro)
 Tamaño:  117.92 KB
 Visto:  169 veces
Concurso de Geolocalizacion - Archivo
Concurso de Geolocalizacion - Archivo
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