...phased-array radar
* 1× AN/ALQ-161 radar warning and defensive jamming equipment
* 1× AN/ASQ-184 defensive management system
* 1× Lockheed Martin Sniper XR targeting pod (optional)[6] [7]
* Puntos de anclaje: 6 puntos externos (use for weapons currently restricted by START I treaty[16] ) y 3 bahías internas con una capacidad de 27.000 y 34.000 kg, respectivamente, de armamento, para cargar una combinación de:
o Bombas:
+ 84× Mk-82 AIR inflatable retarder general purpose bombs[8]
+ 81× Mk-82 low drag general purpose bombs[9]
+ 84× Mk-62 Quickstrike sea mines[10]
+ 24× minas navales Mk 65[11]
+ 30× CBU-87/89/CBU-97 Cluster Bomb Units (CBU)[12]
+ 30× CBU-103/104/105 Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser
+ 24× GBU-31 JDAM GPS guided bombs[13]
+ 15× GBU-38 JDAM GPS guided bombs (Mk-82 general purpose warhead)[14]
+ 24× bombas de propósito general Mk 84
+ 12× AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon
+ 96× or 144× GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb GPS guided bombs[15] (not... Leer más ...
...prompt please move to 'C:\Program Files\Google\Google
Earth (Plus or Pro)' to open this folder.
5) Now at the command prompt please type:
gpsbabel -w -r -t -i magellan -f com1 -o kml -F file1.kml
- Replace "magellan" by "garmin" depending on the model of the GPS device
you are using.
-Replace "com1" with "com2" or "usb:" (notice the colon) depending on the
port that your GPS device is connected to.
This should produce the file "file1.kml" that you can import into Google
Earth. This file would be in the: C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth
(Plus or Pro) folder. Please drag and drop this file1.kml file into Google
Earth to view your GPS data.
If the GPS device is not detected on your computer, an error message will
be displayed at the command prompt. The error message would indicate that
your GPS device is not compatible with GPSBabel. What you can then do is
display your data points in .gpx or .loc file formats. Google Earth will
then be able to read these files.
If we can assist you further, please let us know.
Desconocía la existencia y el uso de esta aplicación, pero me ha servido para ver los parámetros y la estructura de los datos que... Leer más ...